Whether you know how to crochet or would be willing to learn, this is a great opportunity to gather with others who have lost a loved one. You will create supportive friendships while crocheting prayer blankets for our patients. All yarn is provided.
When: Every Thursday, 9am-1pm
Where: Volunteer Room, 2600 Johnston St.
Please call Amanda Klisanin at (337) 232-1234 to join or for more information.
At our hospice, our unwavering commitment is to provide hospice services that not only offer respect and dignity to our patients but also extend a compassionate hand to the community. As a nonprofit organization, we go the extra mile by offering free services that other hospice providers simply cannot, ensuring that everyone, regardless of their financial means, receives the quality care and support they deserve during their most challenging times.
Our family of companies is wholeheartedly committed to supporting yours and are organized to provide a comprehensive range of services tailored to meet the needs of caring for your loved ones.